WOMEN'S MOVEMENT Has The Pleasure Of Inaugurating Its Unique Initiative GoodPeople.Org.In

Through this portal, we would like to invoke, invite and aggregate, the collective positivity of 'GOODPEOPLE' who would like to contribute to the 'goodness' quotient of the society, GLOBALLY!

• Good and Evil are two poles with separate boundaries.
• Good actions develop results beneficial to the general wellbeing of the society.
• On the other hand, negativity does not benefit anybody.
• Our idea is to inter-connect 'GOODPEOPLE' and leverage their goodness, in order to neutralize the negatives.
• goodpeople.org.in will invite men & women (& NGOs) who wish to service the community (local, national & global ) through their inherent goodness

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• Enhance The Membership Of Goodpeople.Org.In For All The Listed Verticals
• Undertake Ground Level Projects; Media Advocacy Projects; Global Advocacy Projects
• Project Heads Will Be Appointed For Each Project Undertaking.
• Special Advisory Committee Will Be Established To Guide And Monitor Funded Projects
• Support Community Projects By Providing Expertise And Possible Funding

Good Thoughts, Good Actions

In Kindness,There Is A Goodness,

A person who selflessly helps others especially those in distress. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end. Kindness Is The Language Which The Deaf Can Hear And The Blind Can See.

Where there is kindness there is goodness. A single act of kindness, throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees.

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A Good Sort

Anaffable, charismatic and dependable person. Honesty is the beating heart in good people.

Martin Luther King Jr., A Testament of Hope. “It may well be that we will have to repent in this generation. Not merely for the vitriolic words and the violent actions of the bad people, but for the appalling silence and indifference of the good people who sit around and say, "Wait on time.”

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Love Fully, Freely, Wholeheartedly

“All that is necessary for evil to prevail is for good people to do nothing.” ―Carlton Smith
It's a lot easier to do good work when you have good words to say and work with good people.
“Irrespective of any political party, I am a supporter of good people who want to do something for the society.”Kapil Dev
I feel the only true selfless good deed that one can do is something that he or she does without even realizing that it's doing good to anyone.

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Just one good deed a day caninspire a feeling of purpose in you, a feeling that there is meaning to your life.

* Let your first check of the year be to charity.
* Help a friend in need. *Volunteer for an hour at an organization of your choice.
* Save electricity by unplugging your devices when not in use.
* Buy a gift for your mother or grandmother.

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Work in the community

Why is it good to work in the community?
Working in community services, you will have an impact on the welfare of vulnerable people. Every single day you make a difference to the quality of people's lives. Good actions towards those who are struggling the most helps them have better days and hope for a brighter future.

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Encourage Your Friends To Help

“During a crisis you will find there are 3 types of people.” James Hauenstein.
First, there are people who say, "I don't care what happens to other people as long as it doesn't affect me.”
Second, there are people who will think, "How can I rip people off and make money off of this?”
Third, there are people who will ask, "How can I help?”

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An Initiative Which Was Inspired In The Year 2002 GoodPeople.Org.In

Meenakshi Advani Rai
Anchor For
Of Women’s Movement

Born and raised in Mumbai, with a Fine Arts Degree from the University of Florida, is the Executive Director of SHIKRILDS, a diversified group engaged in BioFuels and BioChemicals, providing growth Capital for Front Runners. She works closely with her husband Vivek Rai Gupta.

Founder and Chairperson of EarthPillars360, the non-profit arm of Shikrilds. Established as an environment platform, which supports organisations who are successfully involved in driving change, though conservation of wild life and native landscapes. She is an accomplished entrepreneur and business person, designer and manufacturer for apparel and home furnishings, a talented performing artist, photographer, vocalist and nature enthusiast.

After closing her Art Gallery, lifestyle showroom and export business , she ventured wholeheartedly in to social responsibility, while President of ACIW (American Club for International Women, Mumbai). Meenakshi is currently the Chair, Public Relations and Media for FAWCO, an organisation which has worldwide membership of American and International Women, and is a successful NGO with the United Nations, giving her a chance to extend her efforts towards global charities, which tackle issues related to Human Rights, Education, Environment and Health.
Being an American Citizen, her time is spent between Mumbai, India and her adopted home Los Angeles, USA.

For five years, she has applied herself extensively towards bio-diversity through plantation, while working on her project called “Ornament”, blending her creativity and passion for music, environment and the girl child.